General Information (F450/F550)

Coaching Policies and Grading

Students enrolled in chamber music will receive seven face-to-face (in person, not online) coachings of at least 60 minutes each with the faculty member(s) assigned and will complete an approved public performance. Your semester grade will be based on the completion of the above coachings and performance.

Each student is expected to prepare their own individual parts before the group rehearsals and coachings. It is recommended that groups meet at least twice a week to rehearse in addition to their seven required coachings.

Enrollment Policies and Procedures

Enrollment Basics

  • Groups must be comprised of three or more people (no duos as of Fall 2021).
  • All students in a group must be enrolled in either F450 (undergraduate students) or F550 (graduate students).
    • Undergraduate students enroll for 1 credit of F450.
    • Graduate students may have the option to enroll for 0 or 1 credit of F550. They should consult with the Music Graduate Office with any questions or concerns about how this enrollment may impact their degree progress.
    • At least half of the participating students in any group must be enrolled for 1 credit.
  • If you are enrolled in more than one group, you must be enrolled once in F450 or F550 for each group (i.e., two groups = two enrollments). Contact your area coordinator or Sherri Bishop ( to confirm the appropriate class number for your second group.
    • Please limit your participation to two groups. If you feel that you must be in a third group, please contact Sherri Bishop to obtain permission.


If you are participating in a group this semester to make up an incomplete, you must email your area coordinator AND Sherri Bishop ( by the end of the second week of classes to confirm which group you are using to fulfill this requirement. You should not be enrolled for the group you are using to make up your incomplete. If you are required to be enrolled in chamber music in the semester in which you plan to make up your incomplete, you will need to plan to participate in more than one group.

You have one full calendar year to make up your incomplete grade after it is assigned. Please plan accordingly!


All enrollment changes made after the first week of classes will be made using the eDrop/eAdd system, which can be found in One.IU by searching for “eDrop/eAdd classes.” More information can be found here:

There is no fee for adding classes using the eAdd system. You will be charged a late schedule change fee of $23 for each class you drop after the first week of classes.

Rehearsal and Coaching Space Requests

Weekly Recurring Chamber Group Reservations

The Scheduling Office will schedule weekly recurring room reservations times based on the information provided in the request form below. If the days/times requested are not available, the Scheduling Office will work with the group leader to find alternate days and/or times within available spaces.

Note: your coach must be confirmed before you submit this form!

Weekly Recurring Chamber Group Reservation Form

Recurring semester reservations will be limited to two (2) hours within a day and a maximum of four (4) hours per week. For additional rehearsal/coaching time, students can request ad hoc room reservations via the Student Ad Hoc Space Request Service.

Requests for weekly recurring chamber room reservations are due to the Scheduling Office (via this survey form) no later than Friday, October 1 at 4:00pm. Recurring chamber group reservation requests submitted after this time will not be fulfilled.

Completed recurring chamber group reservation requests are fulfilled in the order in which they are received. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.