Off-Campus Use
Below are the requirements for student use of IU instruments off campus.
1) We will loan (free of charge) instruments to returning JSoM students who are in good standing on a case-by-case basis upon the request of the student’s applied music professor. If sharing an instrument, on-campus use always takes priority over off-campus use.
2) The student's applied music professor will contact the Instrument Rental Office (rsebben 'at' indiana dot edu) requesting the instrument’s use and stating the student’s name, the specific instrument, the purpose of the loan (which festival, audition, etc.), dates of use and how the student would benefit from the instrument’s use (as opposed to using their personal instrument).
3) The Instrument Rental Office will contact the dean's offices for approval.
4) If the loan is approved by the deans, the student may be required to obtain insurance coverage listing “The Trustees of Indiana University” as the ‘loss payee’ and listing the instrument specifically (make, model, serial #, etc.) on the insurance rider. (Ron will provide a letter that the student should give to their insurance company which lists the details for the instrument and requirements for the insurance.) A copy of the insurance information should be brought or sent to the Instrument Rental Office.
4) The student will then sign a contract in MA410, developed by IU’s legal counsel, stating that they have obtained insurance coverage (if required) on the instrument and that they will pay all repair or replacement costs of the instrument as necessary should damage or loss occur.
5) If all steps above have been completed, the item may be safely taken off of the IU campus.