All recitals, regardless of location, are scheduled through the online Recital Scheduling & Program Creation form:
Recital Scheduling & Program Creation Form Portal
Quick Links:
Accessing the Recital Scheduling Portal
Recital Scheduling Form - Selecting your Recital Date, Time, & Location
Program Creation Form - How to Enter in your Program Details
Accessing the Recital Scheduling Portal:
- If you are using a non-campus computer, you must first connect to the IU VPN (Virtual Private Network). Instructions on how to do so are located through IU Knowledge Base: If you are experiencing issues connecting to IU VPN, please contact Music IT Services ( or University IT Services (
- The recommended web browser is Firefox.
- The Recital Scheduling Portal is not compatible with mobile or tablet devices. Please use a desktop or laptop computer to access.
Recital Scheduling Form - Initiating your Recital Request and Selecting your Recital Date, Time, & Location:
- Upon entering the Recital Scheduling Portal (see link above), select the semester and desired recital classification.
- Information about degree recital requirements can be found within the Jacobs School of Music Bulletin.
- Once you have initiated your desired recital classification request, please complete Steps 1-4 in the online recital request:
- Step 1: Confirm/update your Name, Student ID Number, Degree, Instructor, IU Email, and Local Phone.
- For dual majors, please make sure you have selected the correct degree which this recital request is in fulfillment of.
- Step 2: Complete your recital information
- Write in your preferred name for your program.
- Select your instructor/committee from the drop-drown menu.
- Select audio recording, optional service at additional fee for non-DM/AD recitals.
- Select 'video livestream and video recording' or 'video recording only', optional services at additional fees.
- Step 3: Select your recital date, time location.
- Available recital date and times in the performance halls (Auer Hall, Ford-Crawford Hall, Recital Hall) will appear as white rectangles in calendar view, or you can write in an alternate location that you have independently scheduled. For Jacobs non-performance hall venues (e.g. Sweeney Lecture Hall, MAC rehearsal rooms), contact the Scheduling Office
- Step 4: Complete Acknowledgment and click "Save Changes and Creation Program" button.(See below for Program Creation Form - How to Enter your Program Details.)
Reminder! All recital requests (date, time, location, and program) must be fully approved by your instructor/committee and the Scheduling Office a minimum of three (3) weeks in advance of your recital date, regardless of the location.
Program Creation Form - How to Enter your Program Details:
You will submit your program via the Recital Schedule Portal linked above. Here are some helpful program submission guidelines:
- You will submit your program via the Program Creation Form within the Recital Scheduling Portal linked above.
- If you have left the Recital Scheduling Form (see section above), you can return to the Program Creation Form from the "View/Edit Recital Forms" tab within the Recital Scheduling Portal by clicking "View/Edit Program" next to the respective recital request you wish to edit.
- Once you have entered in to the Program Creation Form, please complete Steps 1-3:
- Step 1: Add your accompanist.
- Remember to click "Save Accompanist" before moving on to the next step.
- Step 2: Create you program.
- Read all instructions listed before entering in repertoire and program details.
- Additional important program creation details:
- Do not enter duplicate composers, titles, or movements.
- Please remember the following when entering new composers and/or compositions into the database:
- The title of each work, including key and opus numbers
- "BWV" numbers for J.S. Bach; "K" numbers for Mozart; "D" numbers for Schubert
- If the work does not have opus numbers, put the year of the composition
- Spell out key signatures (e.g., C-Sharp, B-Flat)
- "Major" and "Minor" are both capitalized
- Enter the full name of each composer with birth and death years
- Tempo markings or names of movements
- Person's name who plays an obbligato (place following the work)
- For an aria or art song, enter the work from which it comes first; then enter the title of the aria or art song
- Correct spellings and placement of accent marks are your responsibility.
- Things to keep in mind for Recital Program Submission
Recital Program Questions? Contact the Recital Program Office.
Reminder! All recital requests (date, time, location, and program) must be fully approved by your instructor/committee and the Scheduling Office a minimum of three (3) weeks in advance of your recital date, regardless of the location.
Student recitalists should submit a Recital Setup Assistance Request Form a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the recital date.
Recital Setup Assistance Request Form
Recital Setup Assistance Information:
- Recital Setup personnel will only be provided for recitals in Auer Hall, Ford-Crawford Hall, and Recital Hall. Recital Setup Assistance is not provided for non-hall locations such as Sweeney Lecture Hall, MAC rooms, or non-Jacobs venues.
- Recitals in performance halls (Auer Hall, Ford-Crawford Hall, and Recital Hall) are not guaranteed to be staffed by Recital Setup personnel.
Recital Setup Assistance Request Forms may be emailed to
Student recitalists should submit the Recital Cancellation/Change Request Form to make adjustments to their fully approved recital:
Recital Cancellation/Change Request Form
Read through all the information on the Recital Cancellation/Change Request Form before submitting to the Scheduling Office. If you have any questions about the form, please inquire with the Scheduling Office.
Recital Cancellation/Change Requests Forms should be submitted as PDF attachments via email to the Scheduling Office (