Repertory Guidelines - Artist Diploma Screening Audition
Prior to the schoolwide AD auditions, which are usually held once each semester, any student who is currently enrolled in any other degree or diploma program in the String Department who wishes to change to the AD, must play a screening audition before the entire department. These screening auditions are held about 1-2 weeks before the announced schoolwide auditions. The repertory requirements for the schoolwide audition are broadly based, and simply state that a complete recital must be prepared. For the String Department screening audition, however, the repertoire is much more specific. Obviously, if the candidate passes the screening audition, he/she may use the same repertory for the schoolwide audition.
Screening Audition Repertoire Guidelines
The program must include 50 minutes of music.
The program must include three works.
The program must include music by at least three composers.
A concerto is required and must be prepared in its entirety by memory.
- All mutli-movement works must be prepared in their entirety.
- Bach and showpieces must be performed by memory.