Faculty Annual Report: DMAI Help Guide

Faculty are required to report their teaching, service, and research/creative activities for the preceding calendar year by January 15 of each spring semester. IU uses Digital Measures Activity Insight (DMAI) for this faculty reporting process. Faculty can access their DMAI at any time during the year and are encouraged to update their activities regularly.

Completion of the DMAI is currently required by the Jacobs School of Music for merit pay raises.


The DMAI serves entire IU system. Many of the options on the drop-down menus throughout the DMAI will not apply to you, and also you may not find an exact fit for what you do. This guide is intended to help you report your work as accurately as possible.

In many of the categories throughout the DMAI you will be asked to indicate by checking a box if the activity includes or addresses:

  • a service learning component
  • civic engagement
  • interprofessional education/practice
  • diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice
  • high impact practices

Definitions of these items are available within the DMAI by clicking on the   “?” provided.

There is a “save” button on some screens, but there is no submit button for the report as a whole. Once you enter the information, it will appear in the report.

You can use the DMAI Help Guide in one of two ways:

1) Use the buttons in the "Detailed information by section" grid below to explore each section of the DMAI. Each page provides an overview of the screens you will encounter, the types of activity you can report on each screen, and the information you'll need to record your activity.

2) Use the "Where do I put . . .?" button below to access a list of all activity types found in drop-down menus throughout the DMAI. This is intended to help you quickly and efficiently locate the best place to report your activity.

Enter activity by type: