Academic Programs
Diploma Programs
Bachelor's Degree
The School of Music offers three undergraduate bachelor's degree programs in voice: the Bachelor of Music degree in vocal performance, the Bachelor of Science degree in voice and an outside field (B.S.O.F.), and the Bachelor of Music Education degree. Detailed definitions for these music education tracks appear under listings for the individual curricula.
A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for all music undergraduate degrees. Total credit hours for some degrees may be higher because of specific requirements. No course may be used to fulfill two requirements except where noted.
Master's Degree
The minimum requirement for a master's degree is 30 credit hours excluding required credit hours in prerequisite or review courses and major ensemble. All master's degrees include studies in a major field, a core curriculum common to all majors, and a secondary concentration of 6 credits referred to as a cognate. Individual degrees may require more credit hours.
Doctoral Degree
The Doctor of Music degree represents outstanding accomplishment in music performance and academic studies. The holder of this degree should demonstrate not only a high level of performance competency in his or her instrumental area or in voice, but also a broad knowledge of the pertinent instrumental or vocal repertoire, the ability to undertake independent research, and the ability to communicate his or her understanding effectively in written and oral forms.
Diploma Programs In Performance
These programs are intended for the outstanding performer. They are designed to concentrate study in appropriate repertoire. The Diploma programs will have a time limit of five years from the date of the first enrollment. No exceptions to this rule will be considered. Performer Diploma students may seek entrance to the Artist Diploma program. Diploma students must be enrolled in at least 10 credit hours in any one semester of residence (4 credit hours in the summer). Students in the Artist Diploma and Performer Diploma programs must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher in order to graduate. Students in both programs must receive a grade of C or higher in each course that is to count under the heading "Music Courses."