Operations Office
The Operations Office Coordinators, Teresa Price and Abe Piedmont, manage a multitude of services for the students, faculty and staff members of Jacobs School of Music.
Mail: incoming / outgoing | Copy Duplication Requests | Office Supplies |
Procurement Cards (P-Cards) | Parking Permits | Fax: incoming / outgoing |
Key Assignments | Locker Rentals | Inventory: Capital & Non-Capital Assets |
For Mail, Copy Duplication, Office Supplies, P-Cards, and Fax Services:
Contact Person
Abe Piedmont
Mail, Messages, Fax
The JSOM mailing address is:
Jacobs School of Music
200 S Eagleson Ave, Room C039
Bloomington, IN, 47405
Faculty members are assigned a mailbox located on the ground floor of the Simon Music Center in room C041 (former Speech and Hearing wing) or in the East Studio Building on the first floor. When mail or parcels too large to be put into the mailboxes arrive, an email notification will be sent. If you wish to have a mailbox, send an email to mailjsom@indiana.edu with your name, department and building location.
Official university correspondence can be mailed in Simon Music Center C039 without postage, but it must have the department's account number written in the upper right corner of the envelope. Parcels directly related to university business can also be given to personnel in C039 for mailing if they are fully labeled and sealed. Fax messages concerning official university business can be directed to the fax number in C039 (812-855-4936). Similarly, outgoing official university messages can be sent on the same machine.
There is also an outgoing United States Postal Service drop box located in C041.
Duplicating Services
Teaching-related materials (syllabi, bibliographies, assignments, tests and examinations) can be duplicated at the Operations Office. A photocopy machine is available in C041 for the use of faculty, departmental clerical staff and associate instructors; most departments are allotted an individual copy card for duplication based on normal use. This copy card is to be used only for teaching materials and necessary university-related duplication. Alternatively, printing requests can be completed by Operations Office personnel. Quantities above 25, or orders having special requirements such as hole-punching or stapling, should be done by Operations Office personnel. Request forms are available, and the department billing number is required.
Routine office supplies are available in the Operations Office. (A department billing number is required.) Larger supply and equipment requests over $50.00 will need to be pre-approved by the department chair, the fiscal officer and/or business manager before the purchase can be made. Please email mailjsom@indiana.edu for more information.
Parking Permit
Departments are allowed to purchase parking permits for guests who will be visiting Indiana University using their department or IU Foundation account number. Departments are restricted from purchasing a parking permit for any Indiana University employee. Indiana University employees are to pay for their own parking permit.
When requesting a parking permit, email the following information to Abe Piedmont at mailjsom@indiana.edu. Send requests one week prior to guest(s) arrival to allow time for the parking permit to be mailed to the Operations Office. Permits ordered less than a week in advance can be picked up from the Parking Operations Office located in the Henderson Parking Garage
- Guest name(s)
- Guest's home or business address
- Reason for visit
- Number of parking permits
- Date(s) for when the guest will be visiting Indiana University
- Department or Foundation account number
For places on where to park and to find other information regarding Parking Permits, please visit the Indiana Parking Operations web page at https://parking.indiana.edu/
You will receive an email letting you know the parking permit(s) have been requested. After the parking permit(s) have arrived, you will receive another email letting you know that it ready for pick up.
Procurement Card Information
Email mailjsom@indiana.edu to request use of the Pcard (Credit Card). Include the following information:
- Contact Name
- Date and time needed (Pcard can be picked up from room C039)
- What will be purchased?
- Purpose for use of the Pcard (Explain the reason for using pcard vs other purchasing mechanisms)
- Transaction amount (estimate if not known)
- Account # to be charged
- If you are purchasing food and/or drinks, a request to have a hospitality code must obtained prior to purchasing the food and/or drinks. See Hospitality Request information below.
- If you wish to keep the card out overnight, you must receive prior approval from either Jake Peters and/or Elizabeth Winchester in an email. Forward the approval email to mailjsom@indiana.edu for additional documentation.
PCARD Important Reminders
Proper use of the Pcard is very important. Please read the brief descriptions below for appropriate usage:
Appropriate Purchases
- One time purchases to suppliers that are not in Buy.IU
- Suppliers that do not accept purchase orders (for example, web-based vendors)
- Small dollar transactions under $1,000 and not on the “Not Appropriate” list (shown below)
Not Appropriate Purchases
- If purchase can be made in the Shop Contracts section of Buy.IU
- If paying an IU department (payments to IU departments should be completed in KFS)
- If items is listed on the Restricted List. http://www.indiana.edu/~purchase/pcard/restrictions.php
- No apparel for JSoM programs / Promotional Items: contact JSoM Purchasing muspurch@indiana.edu
- No photography and/or videotaping services: contact JSoM Purchasing muspurch@indiana.edu
- Recurring monthly charges
- Split or “stacked” transactions (dividing large purchases into smaller payments to avoid going over the limit.)
- No purchases from Ebay or other auction web pages
- No cell phones and/or SIM cards
- No alcohol
- No travel arrangements: contact JSoM Travel musnempl@indiana.edu
Sales Tax
- IU is tax exempt. The tax-exempt number is 0003123294. If you need a copy of the tax-exempt form, you can request a copy of it by emailing mailjsom@indiana.edu.
Hospitality Request
Email mailjsom@indiana.edu with the following:
- Contact Name for Event
- Date and Time of Event
- Event Location
- Purpose of Event
- Detailed number of Faculty, staff, and students attending event (please give number for each)
- List of K-12 students attending the event
- Transaction amount (estimate if not known)
- Account # to be charged
- List vendor(s) of where purchases will be made
*****Note: Email must be received PRIOR to the event. Please allow 3-7 days for approval*****
Indiana University Hospitality Policy can be found at: https://policies.iu.edu/policies/fin-acc-50-hospitality-expenditures/index.html
Key Assignments, Locker Rentals and Inventory Services
Contact Person
Teresa Price
Key Assignments
- Faculty and staff can pick up a key to a room by sending an email to jsomkey@indiana.edu with the below information:
- Name of who will be using the key
- Building / room
- Key return due date
- All students including AI / GA must have a faculty or an approved staff member send an email to jsomkey@indiana.edu with the below information:
- Name of who will be using the key
- Building / room
- Key return due date
- AI / GA students don’t have key authorization to assign a key(s) to any other student.
- All assigned keys must be returned on or before the key return due date.
- Key(s) can be returned in person or by placing the key(s) in the wooden drop box located in room C-039 using the provided envelopes.
- For additional information on keys, please see our full key policy: JSOM Key Policy
Locker Rentals
- Any student who is enrolled in at least one Jacobs School of Music class, can rent a locker.
- To rent a locker, a student needs to complete and submit a locker request form
- Locker rental costs:
- Fall and spring semester - $41.62 each semester
- Summer semester - $40.60 each semester
- All lockers must be cleaned out each semester unless it has been renewed by the end of each semester to avoid any additional locker charges.
- For additional information on locker rentals, view our full policy on locker rentals: JSOM Locker Policy
Inventory: Capital and Non-Capital Assets
- Any item that is purchased that cost $5000.00 and over is considered as a capital asset.
- Any item that is purchased that cost under $5000.00 is considered as a non-capital asset.
- All non-capital and capital asset items must be added to the Capital Asset Management System (CAMS) by including the following information:
- Date of Purchase
- Building / Room Location
- Date the item(s) was placed in service
- Make
- Model Number
- Serial Number
- Quantity
- Dollar Amount
- How it was purchased: Purchase Order or P-Card
- The item that was purchased may or may not be tagged with a non-capital (white) or a capital asset sticker (yellow) will have an asset tag number with the letter “N” (non-taggable).
- Items that can’t be tagged:
- Too small
- String instruments
- Brass instruments
- Woodwind instruments
- May damage the finish and / or mess with the quality of sound
- Material of the item
- Items that can’t be tagged:
Before any non-capital or capital asset is delivered to IU Surplus, thrown away or taken apart, it must be removed from the Capital Asset Management System (CAMS). Contact Teresa Price at jsomkey@indiana.edu to discuss the process.