Directory of Current Students and Faculty
Name | E-mail address | Current position |
Fishell, Janette | jfishell | Department Chair |
Young, Christopher | chyoung | Professor; Organist, First Presbyterian Church, Bloomington |
Smith, Jeffrey | js72 | Visiting Associate Professor |
Andrews, Colin | coandrews | Adjunct Lecturer |
Bergin, Nick | dbergin | Organist, First Presbyterian Church, Martinsville |
Boudra, Andrea | aboudra | Organist, Fairlawn Presbyterian Church, Columbus |
Copeland, Mason | mccopela | Organist and Choirmaster, All Saints Episcopal Church, Indianapolis |
Culbert, Loralee | llculber | Organist, St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Bloomington Pianist, St. Paul Catholic Center, Bloomington |
Kent, Elizabeth | ejkent | Available for substitution |
Kronner, Patrick | pkronner | Organist and Choirmaster, St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Indianapolis |
Organ Department Alumni