Health & Safety: Selected Campus Resources
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): CAPS addresses a wide range of student issues and offers strategies for coping and options for treatment as needed.
Crimson Cupboard: Crimson Cupboard offers free healthy food to IU Bloomington students who are struggling with food insecurity. Stocked by donations and staffed by volunteers, this special food pantry lessens the effects of poverty and food insecurity in our community.
Disability Services for Students: The Office of Disability Services for Students (DSS) specializes in assisting students with various disabilities including physical, psychological, learning, neurological, medical, vision, hearing, and temporary impairments to achieve their academic goals.
Division of Student Affairs: The Division of Student Affairs is home to more than 150 programs designed to guide students through life at IU, help resolve their problems, provide assistance during emergencies, support their health and safety, enhance their learning, and prepare them for life after IU.
Healthy IU: Healthy IU is Indiana University’s employee wellness program. Resources, programs, and workshops are free for faculty and staff and their spouses.
Hearing Clinic: The Hearining Clinic in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciencens provides services related to audiometric testing, aural rehabilitation, hearing conservation, hearing screening, and assistive listening devices.
IU Health Center: IU Health Center specializes in care for college-aged patients. The IU Health Center is a four-story facility that includes a full-service medical clinic, lab, X-ray facility, women's clinic, and pharmacy.
Protect IU: Indiana University is committed to providing the greatest possible degree of safety for all members of the university community. Protect IU makes it easy for you to find all the information you need to know about health, safety, security, and preparedness.