Working with UITS's Classroom Technology Services, Music Information Technology Services provides support for the technology installed in JSoM classrooms and assists faculty wishing to integrate technology into their courses. All classrooms except for the three music theory drill rooms (M294, M296, M298) have a traditional audio rack in addition to a computer, DVD/VHS player, and document camera connected to a projector or video screen. The following classrooms are enhanced with computer technology.
Simon Music Library and Recital Center
- M015 (Sweeney Lecture Hall), seats 200.
- M242, seats 55.
- M340, seats 48.
- M344, seats 48.
- M350, seats 48.
- M356, seats 48.
- M005 (Auer Hall Green Room), seats 30.
- M149c, seats 30.
- M271, Seminar style, seats 12.
- M267, Seminar style, seats 25.
- M263, Seminar style, seats 12.
- M373, Computer classroom (29 Macintosh computers and instructor's station: maintained by UITS, can be reserved by faculty teaching computing-related courses. Each station has a MIDI keyboard. The teaching station is connected to a ceiling-mounted projector. For an up-to-date list of software available at this site, and for information on reserving this facility, see the Student Technology Centers Web page at: STC Lab Info)
Merrill Hall
- MU204, seats 30.
- MU205, seats 40.
Music Annex
- MAB012, seats 30.
- MA004, seats 36.
- MA006, seats 20.
- MA007, seats 36.
- MA404, seats 60.
- MA405, seats 90.
- MA452, seats 150.
- MA454, seats 100.
Musical Arts Center
- MC036, seats 150.
- MC040, seats 170.
- MC066, seats 150.
- MC070, seats 150.
UITS maintains a distributed Student Technology Center (STC) on the 1st and 3rd floors of the Music Library. Many of these computers are equipped with midi keyboards; students can several music software applications, including Finale, Sibelius, Digital Performer, Reason, Max and Pro Tools.