Jacobs School of Music: University Student Organization (USO) Scheduling Policy
The following policy applies to all University Student Organizations (USOs) with a Jacobs School of Music (JSoM) faculty advisor and affiliated with a JSoM Department or Center. (For Self-Governed Student Organizations, please refer to the separate policy below for SGSOs.)
Each USO will designate one JSoM student member who will work with the JSoM Scheduling Office to schedule all meetings, rehearsals, performances, and other events.
Skip to info about:
Performances and Events Non-Event Gatherings (e.g. meetings)
Class Activity Events Outside the Jacobs School of Music
SGSO Scheduling Policy (different from USO)
Performances and Other Events at the Jacobs School of Music
The following policies (numbers 1-10 below) apply to all events in JSoM spaces, which are defined as those that are advertised on the Jacobs School of Music Events Calendar and open to the public. This includes events in performance halls and events in other JSoM spaces, such as classrooms.
1. USOs may schedule events in halls, classrooms, and other spaces starting on the same date that student non-degree recital scheduling begins for a given semester. (For example, in recent years, that has been early August for Fall semester events, and mid-November for Spring semester events.) In order to do so, contact the Scheduling Office on or after that date. The Scheduling Office will fulfill these requests in the order that they are requested.
a. For full instructions on how to schedule an event, and when you are eligible to schedule it, please see USO Event Scheduling.
2. When a USO schedules an event, the Scheduling Office will communicate this to the USO’s JSoM faculty advisor and the related Department Chair. The faculty advisor is required to confirm all events. Once confirmed by the faculty advisor, the event will be submitted for review by the Performance Coordinating Committee (PCC), like all other JSoM events. When an event is approved by the PCC, it becomes an official JSoM event.
3. USOs are eligible to reserve up to two hours of dress rehearsal time for an event, as soon as the event is approved by the PCC. The limit of two weeks in advance, stated below for non-event gatherings, does not apply to dress rehearsals for events.
4. USO events approved by the PCC receive the following support services:
a. Programs from the Music Program Office. Official JSoM programs are required for all public performances that take place in any JSoM space. Program information is required to be submitted to the Music Program Office by two weeks prior to event.
b. Setup personnel, for events in performance halls
c. Listing in official JSoM events calendar
5. USO events are not eligible for recording by JSoM personnel, or the creation of any promotional materials by the JSoM Communications Office (See also item 6).
6. Posters and any other promotional pieces that use IU and/or Jacobs School branding must be approved by the JSoM Communications Office, at least one week prior to the event. In order to secure approval, send file(s) with the subject “Branding Approval” to musicpub@iu.edu.
7. There is a limit of up to five USO events total per semester that may be held in performance halls, across all USOs. Recital Hall is the designated hall for USO events that wish to use a performance hall. There is no limit to the number of USO events that may be held in spaces other than halls. The Scheduling Office will fulfill requests in the order that they arrive, starting on the first day that requests may be made (see item 1).
8. USO events in JSoM spaces during Fall and Spring semesters must occur before or on the following deadlines:
a. Fall semesters: the Friday directly prior to Thanksgiving
b. Spring semesters: the last Saturday in March
9. For any associated costs (e.g. programs), all existing JSoM fee policies apply.
10. USOs are expected to follow all Business Office policies with regard to the use of JSoM spaces for their events (to include – but not be limited to – items such as: charging admission, ticketing, fundraising, etc.).
USOs may also wish to reserve time in JSOM spaces for non-event gatherings, i.e. those meetings which are not advertised on the JSOM Events Calendar and not open to the public. Examples of non-event gatherings include but are not limited to: rehearsals, recording sessions, call-out meetings, social gatherings, etc.
For non-event gatherings, USOs may reserve time in JSoM spaces (e.g. classrooms, rehearsal rooms) up to two weeks in advance. Reservations are limited to a maximum of three hours within any seven consecutive days. Non-event gathering requests do not require the approval of the PCC, and these requests will be processed by the Scheduling Office as they are received.
Occasionally, USOs may be associated with activity that is a part of an official class as listed on the IU Schedule of Classes (for example: MUS-I 201 Master Class in Music Education, etc.). This activity would ordinarily be open to all students of the JSoM, but not open to the public and not listed on the JSOM Events Calendar. In these instances, the two-week limitation listed above under “Non-Event Gatherings” would not apply, and the faculty of record for the course should coordinate with the USO and the Scheduling Office to schedule time as needed for this activity.
Events Outside the Jacobs School of Music
For USO events that are open to the public and that occur outside of the Jacobs School of Music (even those occurring outside of IU), the USO is responsible for reporting these to the PCC. In order to do so, communicate the event details with the Scheduling Office, and they will submit this for PCC review so that the event can be approved, thereby becoming an official JSoM event. It will then be communicated to the relevant offices and departments of the Jacobs School.
In addition, Indiana University policies related to student organization travel are specific and require extensive planning. The PCC strongly encourages a review of the USO Travel Checklist before commitments are made. To receive a copy of the USO Travel Checklist, please contact Alain Barker in the Office of Entrepreneurship and Career Development (abarker@iu.edu).