P111 (2 cr., 2 hrs/wk):
This course is taught in a classroom/piano laboratory environment, and is intended for those with little or no keyboard background. The student achieving a passing grade in this course will be able to:
- play all white-key Major scales (hands together and with correct fingering) 2 octaves
- play all white-key Major hand-over-hand arpeggios
- identify Major and minor key signatures
- play Major and minor pentascales (five-finger patterns) starting on any note
- sight read simple pieces (hands together) with up to two flats or sharps
- play chord progressions (I-IV-I-V7-I) in all Major keys
- harmonize a simple melody
P121 (2 cr., 2 hrs/wk):
This course is taught in a classroom/piano laboratory environment, and assumes that students are familiar with most of the material covered in P111. The student achieving a passing grade in this course will be able to:
- play all Major and white-key minor scales (hands together and with correct fingering) 4 octaves
- play all Major and white-key minor hand-over-hand arpeggios
- play chord progressions (I-IV-I-V7-I) in all Major and white-key minor keys
- sight read pieces (hands together) which involve an individual line in each hand (not just right-hand melody and left-hand chords)
- read easy four-part vocal scores (not necessarily at sight)
- play "My Country 'tis of Thee" in chorale-style ("hymn-style")
- transpose simple pieces
P131 (2 cr., 2 hrs/wk):
This course is taught in a classroom/piano laboratory environment, and assumes that students are familiar with most of the material covered in P121. The student achieving a passing grade in this course will be able to:
- play all Major and harmonic minor scales (hands together and with correct fingering) 4 octaves
- play all Major and minor arpeggios (hands together) 4 octaves
- play Major-minor 7th and fully-diminished arpeggios starting on white keys (hands together) 4 octaves
- play chord progressions involving secondary dominants and ii and vi chords in Major keys
- play easy four-part quartet scores, including alto clef
- sight-read alto clef
- sight-read pieces that involve simple scale-passages
P100 (2 cr., 1 hr/wk)
This course is intended for those students who have passed P131 (BM Voice) or P121 (all other music majors) or who can play at a comparable or more advanced level. Instruction in this course is one-on-one with an instructor in a weekly private lesson. Material covered in this course is indidvidually determined by the instructor to match the student's musical and technical needs. A student who has completed P121 or P131 but still needs to pass his or her proficiency should enroll in this course.
P715 (1 cr., 2 hrs/wk):
This course is taught in a classroom/piano laboratory environment, and assumes that students are familiar with most of the material covered in P121. The student achieving a passing grade in this course will be able to:
- play all Major and harmonic minor scales (hands together and with correct fingering) 4 octaves
- play all Major and minor arpeggios (hands together) 4 octaves
- play Major-minor 7th and fully-diminished arpeggios starting on any key (hands together) 4 octaves
- sight-read easy four-part vocal scores
- sight-read pieces that involve one hand playing two separate voices some of the time
P700 (2cr., 1 hr/wk)
See P100. Graduate students who would like to take secondary piano should enroll for this course instead of for P100.