Performer Diploma Orchestral Studies Exit Exam
Please contact the chair of the String Department as soon as you and your teacher decide you will need to complete the PDOS Exit Exam.
All students must perform a 30 minute exam for a faculty panel which will include required solo works and excerpts, as listed below.
Included in the excerpt list must be one principal solo excerpt.
The faculty panel must be presented with a printed excerpt list at the beginning of the exam.
Requirements by Instrument
Excerpt list as agreed upon by student and teacher,
Violin – Exposition of a Romantic concerto and exposition and development of Mozart 4th or 5th concerto.
Viola – 1st movement of a major concerto and exposition of a classical concerto
Cello- 1st movmenet of a major concerto and exposition of a Haydn concerto
Bass – one movement of solo Bach.