Digital Recorder Checkout Information
Both the JSOM Music Library and Composition Department have high-quality portable recorders available to composition majors. It is envisioned that these be used for recording rehearsals and for recording polished runthroughs of works for portfolios. Recorders can be connected to computers in the Music Library or your own to transfer the sound files. Recorders come with an A/C power cord. Composers are responsible for obtaining their own extension cord or batteries, if needed.
To arrange checkout of a recorder from the composition department, download and fill out the top section of the Loan Contract on a computer. Save and email the form as an attachment to BOTH Profs. Gibson (johgibso) and Wang (cw116) at least two business days in advance of desired use. Because checkout arrangements need to be made, last-minute requests will not be entertained. You will be notified whether the recorder is available or not, and how to arrange to pick it up and drop it off. Loan periods are for three days, except when checked out on a Thursday (due following Monday). PLEASE READ THE TERMS OF THE LOAN CONTRACT VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE SUBMITTING, AS YOU WILLBE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS.
The recorders are loaned the sole purpose of assisting composers in their work for the Composition Department. The recorders are NOT to be used for other recording purposes (such as recording someone else's recital). They are not to be used in violation of the JSOM's recording policies.
Students can also schedule the use of Zoom recorders at the circulation desk at the Music Library, or they can call the circulation desk at 855-8541 and ask to schedule one with a supervisor. The recorders circulate for a maximum of 48 hours at a time.