Doctoral Qualifying Exams and Final Projects
Qualifying Exams
All doctoral students (DM, DME, and PhD) take a series of qualifying examinations upon the completion of their coursework. The Music Graduate Office has compiled a Faculty Guide to Doctoral Qualifying Exams to provide an overview of the process.
Final Projects
The doctorate culminates in a major project (a dissertation, document, essay, or other final project) guided by a research committee. The role of the committee, and especially of the research director, is to guide the student's efforts from the formulation of the topic through design and execution of the project as well as to provide general editorial advice. The culmination of the doctoral final project will take the form of a public defense, a lecture, or a lecture recital with a substantial prepared text, presented before the committee and generally open to all students and faculty of the university.
The requirements, policies, and procedures for the doctoral final project may vary by degree and major. Faculty are encouraged to review information for the category that best applies to their student(s):