Salary Setting and Review
Digitial Measures Activity Insight and Salary Setting
By January 15 of each spring semester, faculty are expected to report their teaching, service, and research/creative activities for the calendar year just ending using Digital Measures Activity Insight (DMAI). The setting of individual faculty salaries in the Jacobs School of Music is connected to the evaluation of these reports; the procedures outlined below were approved by the School of Music Council in November 1999 and revised in December 2005. Faculty salary increases in the School are merit-based. The Budgetary Advisory Committee is charged by the Council with advising on all financial matters, including the setting of salaries, and its role in the process is described below. Final authority in salary setting rests with the dean.
Annual Faculty Evaluation Procedure
1. Faculty members should enter information online in Digital Measures Activity Insight by the usual January 15 deadline.
2. The department chair will add a prose narrative, commenting on the contributions of the individual faculty member; this narrative becomes part of the DMAI.
3. Department chairs will meet individually with faculty who are not yet tenured to discuss the completed DMAI prior to submitting the DMAI to the Dean. Chairs will also offer to meet individually with tenured faculty members.
4. DMAIs with chairs' comments will be submitted online to the Dean no later than February 15; a copy of each DMAI will be sent by the Dean's office to the Dean of the Faculties. Upon request of a faculty member, the Dean will make available the chair's narrative for that faculty member.
5. Faculty members may submit an evaluation of their department chair's contributions to the Dean by February 15. Upon request by the department chair, the Dean will make available comments submitted by faculty in the department.
6. The Dean will review the DMAIs with chairs' comments, and will schedule private, individual meetings with each department chair for discussion of the DMAIs and chair's comments.
7. The Dean will make preliminary salary decisions based upon DMAIs and interviews with department chairs and present a tentative list of salaries to the Budgetary Advisory Committee for advice and review.
8. At the beginning of the fall semester, the senior faculty member of the Budgetary Advisory Committee (the chair of the Salary Review Committee) will make a report to the School of Music Council on the previous year's activities of the two committees in terms of salary setting and salary review.
Salary Reviews
In 2003 the School of Music Council charged the four elected faculty representatives to the Budgetary Advisory Committee to serve as a Salary Review Committee. Faculty who have concerns about their salary may ask this committee to review their salaries under the policies and revised procedures outlined below (reported to the Council in July 2005):
1. The four elected faculty representatives of the Budgetary Advisory Committee are charged by the School of Music Council to act as the School's Salary Review Committee.
2. The longest-serving elected faculty representative (typically the representative serving in his or her fourth year) will act as chair of the committee.
3. A faculty member requesting a salary review in any given year must do so no later than September 15 of that year.
4. The chair of the Salary Review Committee will invite the faculty member requesting the review to provide the committee no later than October 15 with (a) a detailed letter setting forth the reasons for the review request; (b) a list of School of Music faculty with whose salaries the faculty member believes he or she should be compared; and (c) a copy of the faculty member's updated curriculum vitae. By submitting a salary review request, the faculty member thereby gives the Salary Review Committee access to his or her Faculty Summary Reports for the period under review.
5. The committee will not consider letters written on behalf of the faculty member requesting the salary review.
6. In making salary comparisons the committee is not limited to salaries identified by the faculty member requesting the review, but may also consider the salaries of other School of Music faculty. The salaries of faculty outside the School of Music will not be considered.
7. The committee will not consider a faculty member's request for a review if the salary was reviewed in the previous two years.
8. The committee will not consider requests for salary reviews that are based on outside offers of employment, administrative appointments, etc.
9. The committee will give the relevant department chair an opportunity to assess the salary review request. The committee will also consider the chair's annual evaluation of the faculty member's Faculty Annual Report (DMAI).
10. The ex-officio members of the committee (the dean, executive associate dean, and director of budget and finance) may participate in the review, but they will not take part in the final discussion and vote, which will be the responsibility of the four elected faculty representatives alone.
11. If a committee member is from the same department as the faculty member requesting the review, that committee member will not participate in the discussion, the vote, or the final recommendation to the dean.
12. After the discussion and vote, the chair of the Salary Review Committee will make a recommendation to the dean, and will report the committee's conclusions to the faculty member by April 1.
13. The dean retains sole responsibility for salary setting, and will make the final decision.