Indiana University Campus Resource List
General Resources
- Bus Service | 855-8384
- Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning | 855-9023 | Wells Library (East Tower, 2nd floor)
- Computing Services (UTIS) Support Center | 855-6789
- Dean of Students | 855-8187 | IMU M088
- Disability Services for Students | 855-7578 | Wells Library W302
- English Language Instruction | 855-7951 | Ballantine Hall 704
* For TOEFL Testing & English Classes - Graduate Grants Center | 855-5281 | Wells Library 544E
- Health Center | 855-4011 | 10th & Eagleson
- Sexual Assault Crisis Line (24/7, 365) | 855-8900 | 10th & Eagleson
- Counseling & Psychological Services (24/7) | 855-5711 | 10th & Eagleson
- Human Resources (Benefits) | 856-1234 | 2709 E. 10th Street, Ste 321
- ID Cards (CrimsonCard) | 317-274-0400
- IMU Bookstore | 812-215-8804 | 900 E 7th Street
- Learning Commons | 855-8386 | Wells Library (West Tower 1st Floor)
- Indiana Memorial Union | 856-6381 | Biddle Hotel & Conference Center
- Office of International Services | 855-9086 | 330 N. Eagleson Avenue
- Legal Services (Student) | 855-7867 | 310/312 N. Park Ave.
- Lost & Found Services (Jacobs School of Music) | 855-1613 | Simon M031
- Parking Operations | 855-9848 | 310 S. Fess Ave. (lower level)
- Police (IUPD) | 855-4111 | 1469 E. 17th Street
- Recreational Sports
- Registrar's Office (Grade Issues & Policies) | 855-6758 | 408 N. Union Street
- IU Ride (Safety Escort) | 855-7233 or 855-SAFE
- Student Advocates Office | 855-0761 | 1900 E. 10th Street, Ste. 225
- Student Central (Bursar/Financial Aid) | 855-6500 | 408 N. Union Street
- Testing and Evaluations (BEST) | 855-1595 | 625 N. Eagleson Ave.
- Veteran and Military Services | 856-1985 | 823 E. 11th Street
- Writing Tutorial Services | 855-6738 | Wells Library Learning Commons
Additional Websites
- Indiana University (Bloomington) Homepage
- Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, & Conduct
- One.IU
- Canvas
- UITS Knowledge Base