Brass Area Recital Hearing Guidelines
All Undergraduate, Masters, and Performers Diploma degree recitals require a hearing played for select members of the brass faculty. Brass recital hearings take place on Thursday afternoons beginning at 3:40PM in Recital Hall. Undergraduate recitalists must be registered for lessons in the semester (Fall, Spring, Summer) in which they perform their degree recital.
Please stay aggressively ahead of your planning of your recital hearing, including the collaboration with your pianist.
Make sure of these two too-often-missed details.
1. Your sign-up for your hearing must be done at least ten days prior to your hearing.
-The list closes at midnight two Mondays before the hearing date
2. Your hearing must happen at least two weeks prior to your recital date.
- If your hearing date would fall on either thanksgiving week or spring break, you must plan your hearing to take place before break.
To sign up for a hearing time, email with the following information:
-Requested hearing date
-Name, degree program and recital (e.g. BM jr. recital, MM recital, ect.)
-Recital date
-Teacher name
-Accompanist name
The hearings GA will then assign you the next available time (labeled “Open Hearing Time”), as
can be viewed at the online Brass Recital Hearings Calendar.
Next available time doesn’t work for you? Do not sign up!! Wait until someone else takes the next available time. Note the closing date on the list, and check back frequently. If the above does not work, then consult with your teacher about organizing an ad hoc hearing.
The hearing is usually 20 minutes in length. A representative selection of your program should be worked out in lessons, although the committee reserves the right to hear anything on your program. Repertoire with ensemble participation may be exempted with your teacher’s approval.
An approved hearing remains valid for 60 days.
Information about requesting a partial absence from large ensembles for hearings:
All requests for absence should be sent to:
If the request for an extended absence is denied, any absences during the requested time period will be unexcused, according to the guidelines of the syllabus. A student may be excused from a portion of ensemble rehearsal on the day of his/her degree recital hearing and may be excused from the entire rehearsal on the day of his/her degree recital. No student may never be excused from a dress rehearsal or a performance for a recital or hearing. Assisting players are not excused for recitals or hearings. A student will not be excused for other ensemble appearances or non-required recitals.