The following courses are offered by the Choral Department. Please check the Schedule of Classes for course offerings each semester and consult individual course entries in this schedule for information on course prerequisites and corequisites.
MUS F340 - Postural Alignment for the Musician
Biomechanical integration of the muscular and skeletal systems to promote a balanced and supported posture for all musical activities. Centering and relaxation skills. No more than two credit hours of course enrollment may be counted toward undergraduate music electives.
MUS F461 - Ear Training for Conductors
Development of the ear and its application to the process of sight reading, especially as relates to score study and rehearsal for conductors. Emphasis on ability to "hear" scores through audiation. Students will sing choral scores at sight and refine intonation.
MUS F462 - Score Reading
Students will receive training in score reading through playing choral and orchestral scores at the piano. The ability to play music of transposing instruments at sight will be taught through the study of clef reading.
MUS F531 - Graduate Ear Training for Conductors
Study and performance of complex pitch and rhythmic combinations. Development of the ear and its application to the process of sight reading, especially as relates to score study and rehearsal for conductors. Emphasis on ability to "hear" scores through audiation. Students will sing choral scores at sight and refine intonation.
MUS F532 - Graduate Score Reading
Students will receive training in score reading through playing choral and orchestral scores at the piano, including clef reading and transposition exercises for the study of major works.
MUS F540 - Postural Alignment for the Musician
Biomechanical integration of the muscular and skeletal systems to promote a balanced and supported posture for all musical activities. Centering and relaxation skills. No more than two credit hours of course enrollment may be counted toward the diploma music course requirement or towards graduate other required credits.
MUS G371 - Choral Conducting I
Conducting patterns applied to elements of interpretation. Practice in sight singing. Class forms practice choir.
MUS G372 - Choral Conducting II
Choral conducting applied to tone, balance, diction, phrasing, and interpretation.
MUS G535 - Master's Choral Conducting: Renaissance to 1700
Study and development of effective gesture and stylistically appropriate interpretations based on score and era. Will include chironomy, chant, choral repertoire of the Renaissance, and the music of the early Baroque including compositions by Monteverdi and Schütz.
MUS G536 - Master's Choral Conducting: 1700 to 1900
Study and development of effective gesture and stylistically appropriate interpretations based on score and era. Will include baton technique and conducting of recitative. Major works and small forms from the choral and choral/orchestral literature will be conducted.
MUS G537 - Master's Choral Conducting: 20th Century to Today
Study and development of effective gesture and stylistically appropriate interpretations based on score and era. Mixed and asymmetrical meters and extended techniques will be included. Major works and small forms from the choral and choral/orchestral literature will be conducted.
MUS G538 - Choral Rehearsal Techniques
The study of choral rehearsal techniques with an emphasis on appropriate sequencing, efficiency, and healthy vocal solutions to typical challenges. Topics will include rehearsal planning and structure, warm-ups, mechanics, voice care, and strategies to address intonation, rhythmic unity, coloratura, and vocal color.
MUS G555 - Foundations in Choral Conducting
Techniques for the beginning choral conductor, including fundamentals of baton technique, rehearsal skills, choral sound development, and score preparation. Does not satisfy degree requirements for graduate choral conducting majors. May be used toward a doctoral minor in choral conducting.
MUS G560 - Graduate Choral Conducting
Study and development of effective gesture and stylistically appropriate interpretations of repertoire from a variety of time periods. For students majoring in fields other than choral conducting. May be taken more than once.
MUS G604 - Master's Choral Conducting Performance
MUS G661 - Doctoral Choral Conducting: Renaissance to 1700
Study and development of effective gesture and stylistically appropriate interpretations based on score and era. Will include chironomy, chant, choral repertoire of the Renaissance, and the music of the early Baroque including compositions by Monteverdi and Schütz.
MUS G662 - Doctoral Choral Conducting: 1700 to 1900
Study and development of effective gesture and stylistically appropriate interpretations based on score and era. Will include baton technique and conducting of recitative. Major works and small forms from the choral and choral/orchestral literature will be conducted.
MUS G663 - Doctoral Choral Conducting: 20th Century to Today
Study and development of effective gesture and stylistically appropriate interpretations based on score and era. Will include baton technique for asymmetrical and mixed meters, the pacing of accelerandi and ritardandi, and reading non-traditional notation. Major works and small forms from the choral and choral/orchestral literature will be conducted.
MUS G664 - Choral Rehearsal Techniques
The study of choral rehearsal techniques with an emphasis on appropriate sequencing, efficiency, and healthy vocal solutions to typical challenges. Topics will include rehearsal planning and structure, warm-ups, mechanics, voice care, and strategies to address intonation, rhythmic unity, coloratura, and vocal color.
MUS G810 - Doctoral Choral Conducting Performance I
MUS G811 - Doctoral Choral Conducting Performance II
MUS M535 - Master's Seminar in Choral Literature: Renaissance to 1700
An analytical and contextual study of choral repertoire from liturgical beginnings through the early Baroque.
MUS M536 - Master's Seminar in Choral Literature: 1700 to 1900
An analytical and contextual study of choral repertoire starting with Bach, including music of Mozart, Haydn, and the early Romantics, ending with Brahms.
MUS M537 - Master's Seminar in Choral Literature: 20th Century to Today
An analytical and contextual study of choral repertoire from the 20th century until today.
MUS M555 - Foundations in Choral Score Analysis and Preparation
Introduction for the conductor to techniques of historical research and structural and stylistic analysis of choral literature.
MUS M661 - Doctoral Seminar in Choral Literature: Renaissance to 1700
An analytical and contextual study of choral repertoire from liturgical beginnings through the early Baroque.
MUS M662 - Doctoral Seminar in Choral Literature: 1700 to 1900
An analytical and contextual study of choral repertoire starting with Bach, including music of Mozart, Haydn, the early Romantics, and ending with Brahms.
MUS M663 - Doctoral Seminar in Choral Literature: 20th Century to Today
C: G663 Doctoral Choral Conducting: 20th Century to Today. An analytical and contextual study of choral repertoire from the 20th century until today.
MUS M664 - Topics in Choral Literature
Variable topics in the study of choral repertoire. May be repeated for different topics.
**MUS X70 - University Choral Ensembles
Choral ensembles include the Oratorio Chorus, University Singers, University Chorale, NOTUS—Contemporary Vocal Ensemble, Singing Hoosiers, and Opera Chorus.