Admissions Decision
The Jacobs School of Music operates on a rolling admission process. This means that once your applications to both the University Graduate Admissions Office and the Jacobs School of Music are complete, you have submitted all supplemental information, and you have completed an audition/interview, an admission decision will be made, and you will be notified of an admission decision from Indiana University and the Jacobs School of Music as soon as possible. You should expect a decision anytime between three weeks from your audition/interview date and April 1.
Accepted graduate applicants who wish to enroll in the Jacobs School of Music for Fall 2018 must submit an enrollment confirmation to the Jacobs School of Music no later than April 15, 2018.
A letter indicating your financial assistance, scholarship, or assistantship will be sent separately. Most of our doctoral students and masters students receive assistantships that provide 21 credits of tuition remission per year (does not include fees) as well as a stipend and health insurance.
Associate Instructor positions include teaching undergraduate conducting courses, preparing opera choruses, assisting faculty-led ensembles, as well as other administrative duties as assigned including potentially webpage management and riser/concert setup management. All students are expected to attend all choral concerts as well as assist in the setup and strike of all recitals.
The week prior to classes is a busy time for the choral department. Over 300 voice and non-voice majors need to be auditioned and placed in one of our many ensembles. This process usually occurs between 10AM-7PM the Tuesday-Saturday before classes start.
New graduate students are also required to take a battery of placement exams in music history and literature (early and late), music theory (sight singing, aural skills, and written theory), a doctoral styles exam, piano proficiency, diction skills, and grammar levels in Italian, German, and French. The music history and theory exams are given the week prior to classes in August and January; the remainder of the exams may be spread out across your course work. Your best bet for passing the music history exams is to study A History of Western Music by Grout, Palisca, and Burkholder. The outcome of these exams will not alter your acceptance to the Jacobs School of Music, but you may be required to take additional courses in deficient areas.
Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions about exams, auditions, housing, or any other issues related to your transition to Bloomington.